Case No. C-16-CV-23-000105 in the Circuit Court of Maryland for Prince George's County

Submit Objection

If you want to object, you must file with the Court a written notice of intent to object no later than April 8, 2025, and the written notice must also be received by the Class Administrator by no later than April 8, 2025. You must mail or email your objection to the Settlement Administrator using the contact information below. You also have a right to appear at the Final Approval Hearing, in person or by counsel, and be heard to the extent and only if permitted by the Court.


Mail Objection E-mail Objection

Timpson v Ownerguard Settlement

c/o Settlement Administrator

P O Box 23668

Jacksonville, FL 32241

[email protected]


To be effective, a notice of intent to object to the Settlement must:

  • Include the name of the case and case number;
  • Provide your full name, address, telephone number, and signature;
  • Indicate the specific reasons why you object to the Settlement;
  • Contain the name, address, bar number, and telephone number of your counsel if you choose to hire one; and
  • State whether you intend to appear at the Final Approval Hearing, either in person or through counsel.


In addition, a notice of intent to object must contain the following information, if you, or your attorney request permission to speak at the Final Approval Hearing:

  • A detailed statement of the legal and factual basis for each objection;
  • A list of any and all witnesses you may seek to call at the Final Approval Hearing (subject to applicable rules of procedure and evidence and at the discretion of the Court), with the address of each witness and a summary of his or her proposed testimony;
  • A list of any legal authority you will present at the Final Approval Hearing; and
  • Documentary proof of membership in the Settlement Class.


If you do not file a timely notice of intent to object, you waive the right to object or to be heard at the Final Approval Hearing and will be barred from making any objection to the Settlement